Chigong( or Qigong) is a Chinese word which means the art of life force. Chi or Qi means the most basic element in human body, the life force, the energy, the breath, also the air. Gong means the art, the play, the technique, the manipulation. So Chigong is to manipulate the life force by enhancing your mind power, regulating your breath, strenthening your body posture or movement and connecting your mind and your body.
Chigong has a long history of development in China. There was a great man called Lao Tzu, who was born around 650 B.C and lived over 160 years. He was a philosopher, a thinker, and also a Chigong master. His book is called <Tao De Tsing>, which is translated into many languages and wide spread over the world. It is said that this book has been published and printed in a nunber just second to Bible. He used a way to cultivated his Chi, and with it he develop some supper mind power not only being able to see the dardness, feel the chi in the Universe but also to see what was happened in the past and to happen in the future. He descrbled the state of Universe before it was formed in his book..
After him, many and many Chinese have used Chigong to improve their health, heal themselves and prolong their lives and also develop super power of their mind and body. Many many Chigong styles have been developed over thousands of years, among which Tai Chi and Kung Fu are well known Chigong styles and popular in many countries over the world.
Chigong was developed by Chigong masters and was kept in secret among Chigong masters and their selected disciples in the past. And it was only practiced in the mountains. Actually it is just an exercises of mind and body which everyone can practice and benefit.